Sunday, August 11, 2019

Checklist - Quality as Conformance to Specification - Hotels and Japanese Trains

Image result for checklist

A Checklist is a simple method for checking that a process conforms to specifications. Checklists exist throughout service systems and are a common way to make sure there is conformance to a process. A checklist can also be seen as a simple 'job list' whose function is to reduce failure. The checklist is an aid for human memory and compensates for the human likelihood of attention drift.  Checklists help to ensure consistency and completeness in carrying out a task. A basic example is the 'to do list'.

For instance, below you can see a simple checklist for a cleaner cleaning a hotel room. The checklist ensures the hotel room is always clean and looks consistent with the hotel's requirements.

Image result for checklist hotel room
When I was in Japan recently I noticed that Japanese Train drivers always point at the instrument panel when they are driving. I was intrigued as to why this was. I learned that this practice has spread from Japan to other countries and is now an important method of preventing accidents and errors in a process. See and
Here you can see the pointing (also sometimes accompanied by calling) in action. 

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